0.5 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 5/10 which you can simplify if required.
5/1 is the fraction for 5.
5 is an integer and not a fraction. It can be represented as a rational fraction (5/1) but not as a decimal fraction.
5 as a fraction can be written as 10/2 or 5/1 which is an improper fraction.
29/5 as an improper fraction or 5 and 4/5 as a mixed fraction
Consider 'out of' to be 'divided by' or to be the fraction bar. The fraction is 2/5.
5/1 is the fraction for 5.
5 is an integer and not a fraction. It can be represented as a rational fraction (5/1) but not as a decimal fraction.
5 is 5/1 in fraction
5 as a fraction can be written as 10/2 or 5/1 which is an improper fraction.
29/5 as an improper fraction or 5 and 4/5 as a mixed fraction
1/5 has no improper fraction and 2/5 has no imporper fraction
fraction equivalent for 5 = 5/1
Consider 'out of' to be 'divided by' or to be the fraction bar. The fraction is 2/5.
5.20 as a fraction is 26/5 or 5 and 1/5.
5 11ths = 5/11 in fraction
No 5 is not a fraction number as per my knowledge.
fraction = 5/2