0039 is the country code
The phone number of the Cypress Park Branch is: 323-224-0039.
0039 / 02496 = 0.01562
Thirty-nine ten-thousandths.
thirty-nine ten thousandths
At first glance 0 it looks like an Italian number (0039 is the International code for Italy). However - there are no area codes that start with a zero.
The phone number of the Museum Of San Ramon Valley is: 925-837-3750.
699 Atlantic City Blvd, Bayville, NJ - (732) 269-7800 527 High Mountain Rd, North Haledon, NJ - (973) 427-0039
The address of the Mcintosh Library is: 115 Broadway NW, Mcintosh, 56556 0039
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