

Best Answer

Yes they can. The ASCII codes for the digits 0 to 9 are:

0 - 0030

1 - 0031

2 - 0032

3 - 0033

4 - 0034

5 - 0035

6 - 0036

7 - 0037

8 - 0038

9 - 0039

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Q: Can ASCII represent numbers
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ASCII character set?

ASCII characters do represent a numerical codes of letters and other alphabetical signs. Computers do not understand only numbers so they use this numerical codes to interpret letters into their own "language".

Do numbers have an ASCII value?

Digits have ASCII kód '0'..'9' = 48..57

How do you find the ASCII value of numbers greater than 9?

You can find the ASCII value of numbers greater than 9 using the following functions: std::to_string or boost::lexical_cast or std::ostringstream depending on the compiler that you are using.

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What is the purpose of ASCII?

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange was made to standardize 128 numeric codes that represent the English letters, Symbols, and Numbers. Any USA keyboard is made with this standard in mind.

ASCII protocol same of Modbus protocol?

Ascii is not a protocol - it describes a computer system's character set. Communication with a Modbus PLC requires an understanding of how to communicate and the protocol (set of rules) does describe this. Ascii is a set of values describing the Latin codepage set that can represent certain characters in data. There are no communications "rules" with Ascii, just a data representation.