No, 33 is an integer. 0.3333 repeating is a repeating decimal.
0.72 repeating written as a decimal is 0.72 repeating
They can. And if you include repeating 0s and repeating 9s, then all rational numbers can be written with infinitely long repeating digits.
The ISBN of Zandru's Forge is 0-7564-0149-6.
The address of the Onekama Branch Library is: 5283 Main Street, Onekama, 49675 0149
The address of the Ounalashka Corporation is: P.O. Box 149, Unalaska, AK 99685-0149
The phone number of the Alleghany Historical Society is: 540-965-0149.
The address of the Fairchild Public Library is: 208 Huron St., Fairchild, 54741 0149
The address of the Monticello Public Library is: 512 E. Lake Ave., Monticello, 53570 0149
The address of the Richey Public Library is: 223 South Main Street, Richey, 59259 0149
The address of the National Balloon Museum is: Po Box 149, Indianola, IA 50125-0149
Try Douglas Equipment Heating & Air, (304) 327-0149
It bears repeating is correct.
Yes it is. Repeating decimals are all repeating rationals.