48% as a decimal is 0.48
349 hundredth s is written as 0.00349 in decimal
The decimal for 33 1/3 % is 0.3333333333333333... (the 3's are recurring - it is an infinite decimal).
All %'s mean is number/100 so, 0.44 ==
48% as a decimal is 0.48
349 hundredth s is written as 0.00349 in decimal
The decimal for 33 1/3 % is 0.3333333333333333... (the 3's are recurring - it is an infinite decimal).
All %'s mean is number/100 so, 0.44 ==
Answer: 2.7 percent = 2.7 percent. Note: If you want to know how much 2.7% of something is, then you would do the following: "2.7% of something is" can be written as: 2.7/100 * s = answer .027 * s = answer IF you use s=50 and solve the problem you would have: .027 * s = answer .027 * 50 = answer 1.35 = answer
R. S. Heritage has written: 'Learning decimal currency'
The fraction 7/9 can be represented as a decimal with an infinite number of 7's after the decimal point. As a percent, we can multiply the decimal by 100 and find that 7/9 is equivalent to 77.(7)%, where (7) indicates an infinite number of 7's repeated.
dupa. What does it mean? butt...i forget what language. this is a cute way to remember how...that our teacher tought us. Ok, DuPa. D=Decimal P=Percent. How many butt cheeks? 2 so to go from a Decimal to a percent you move the decimal 2 forward. On the Other hand, Percent to Decimal is move the decimal place back 2 (#s) So in this case 0026. The decimal point is at the end because it is a whole number. Now you move it twice forwards to make it a decimal to Percent. So... 0026.00 ^ So the percent is 2600%
No, not all fractions can be written as a non-terminating decimal. For instance, 1/3 has infinitely many 3's in the decimal places.