Multiply it by 100.
044 - .035 = 43.965You may have meant:.044 - .035 = .009
To get admission for BCS 60 PERSENTAGE required in hsc.
0.35 = 35%
about 63%
you divide the denominator by the numerator!
Multiply it by 100.
19/22 = 0.86 = 86%
please give me question answer.....thank you
044 - .035 = 43.965You may have meant:.044 - .035 = .009
1 whole as a persentage is 100 or 1.00
.035 inch.035 inch
.035 inch.035 inch
NO!!! The decimal point is the critical factor. 035 = 35 ( The zero is trvial) . .035 = 0.035 = 35/1000 = 7/200 Notice 35 does NOT equal 7/200 . This is becaiuse of the critical position of the decimal point.
.035 inch.035 inch