Multiply both the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer or divide both by any common factor. You will have an equivalent fraction.
4/100 (fraction) .04 (decimal)
6 04 100
1/25 is already in a fraction. If you mean in decimals, then .04
There is none. A single integer cannot have a common fraction.
Multiply both the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer or divide both by any common factor. You will have an equivalent fraction.
.04% = 0.0004 = 4/10000 = 1/2500
4/100 (fraction) .04 (decimal)
04 = 4 = 4/1.
6 04 100
The most common fraction is 1\2
47 is an integer and so has no common fraction.
1/25 is already in a fraction. If you mean in decimals, then .04
There is none. A single integer cannot have a common fraction.
0.04 = 4/100 = 1/25