The word form is discrete!
13 in word form is: thirteen.thirteen
12 in word form is twelve.
The word form is eleven.
How to write 64.218 in word form
The DUNS number for Royal Dutch Shell is 53-491-0609.
The address of the Oolagah Historical Museum is: , Oologah, OK 74053-0609
you can talk to him through his fan line 310 220 0609 or just go to his myspace to get more info
The address of the Clark County Library is: 609 Caddo Street, Arkadelphia, 71923 0609
The address of the Valdez Consortium Library is: 260 Fairbanks Street, Valdez, 99686 0609
The phone number of the Napa Firefighters Museum is: 707-259-0609.
The address of the Sinclairville Free Library is: 15 Main Street, Sinclairville, 14782 0609
The address of the Fairview Public Library is: 43 Walnut Street, Margaretville, 12455 0609
The address of the Ward Public Library is: 405 Hickory, Suite 100, Ward, 72176 0609
The address of the Renville Public Library is: 221 N. Main Street, Renville, 56284 0609
The address of the Oklahoma Historical Society is: 1405 North 4Th, Durant, OK 74701-0609
The address of the Milford Historical Society is: Po Box 609, Milford, NH 03055-0609