The word form is discrete!
13 in word form is: thirteen.thirteen
12 in word form is twelve.
The word form is eleven.
How to write 64.218 in word form
0704 is not a valid code. Please verify the code.
The phone number of the Tripp County Historical is: 605-842-0704.
The address of the Historic Melrose Inc is: Po Box 704, Melrose, FL 32666-0704
The address of the Wyoming Transportation Museum Corp is: Po Box 704, Cheyenne, WY 82003-0704
just look at this >
what form of word is wolf
The word form is discrete!
The dictionary form of the word "do" is "do".
It is short word form. Standard form is 70,000 and word form is seventy thousand.
Tagalog word for form: ayos; porma