If you want to convert that to kilometers, you can multiply by 1.6.
42,240 feet in eight miles, or 5280 feet in one mile.
$1500-$2500 Depending on miles and condition Kelley Blue Book has value at $1640 as of 10/31/08
08 08 08= August 8, 2008 09 09 09= September 9, 2009
Nelson A. Miles was born on 1839-08-08.
Jim Miles was born on 1943-08-08.
Linda Miles was born on 1978-08-28.
Tim Miles was born on 1966-08-20.
A. D. Miles was born on 1971-11-08.
Miles of Aisles was created on 17-08-14.
Rollie Miles died on 1995-08-17.
0.26247 feet
Chris Miles - politician - was born on 1947-08-21.
Miles Law School was created on 1974-08-26.
Francis George Miles died on 1961-11-08.