Fractions don't repeat, decimals do. 4/9 = 4 divided by 9 = 0.4444 repeating
0.11 repeating can be written as the fraction 1/9.
4/9 is the fraction for 0.4 repeating.
It is 4/9.
Fractions don't repeat, decimals do. 4/9 = 4 divided by 9 = 0.4444 repeating
1.2 repeating as a fraction = 11/9
0.11 repeating can be written as the fraction 1/9.
3.777.... To convert to a fraction. Let P = 3.777... 10P = 37.7777... Subtract 9P = 37 Note the repeating decimals subtract out. P = 37/9 P = 4 1/9 The answers!!!!!
When something is repeating, you can find the fraction by taking that repeating number and putting over 9s, one nine for each digit. In this case, the number repeating is 4, so only one nine is needed, and the decimal part comes out to be 4/9. Then the 1 in front needs to be added, so the answer is 14/9 or 13/9.
The fraction of the repeating decimal 0.7... is 7/9
0.2 a repeating decimal into a fraction = 2/9