1.58333333 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 158333333/100000000 which cannot be simplified.
6.24 as a fraction in lowest form = 156/25
It is: 1/4 as a fraction in lowest form
The fraction for 0.15 in lowest form is 3/20.
You have to reduce the fraction to its lowest form.
0.37 reduced to a fraction in lowest form is 37/100
1.58333333 = 158333333/100000000 However, if the 3s were infinitely recurrent, then the answer is 19/12
6.24 as a fraction in lowest form = 156/25
It is: 1/4 as a fraction in lowest form
37.5 percent in the lowest fraction form is 3/8
The fraction for 0.15 in lowest form is 3/20.
497.34 as a fraction in lowest form = 49734/100 = 24867/50 or 49717/50
4% is the lowest form of in percentages, if writing as a fraction, then 1/25 is lowest form
3/7th is the lowest form in fraction.
2540 is an integer, not a fraction.
You have to reduce the fraction to its lowest form.
To express 0.28 as a fraction in its lowest terms, we first note that 0.28 can be written as 28/100. Then, we simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4. Therefore, 0.28 in its lowest fraction form is 7/25.
37 and a half percent in fraction form when in its lowest terms is 3/8