The number 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is called a one followed by 69 zeros, or in scientific notation, it can be expressed as 1 x 10^69. This number is known as a septuagintillion in the short scale system, which is commonly used in English-speaking countries. In the long scale system, it is called a quattuordecillion.
It is a very large number which would normally be expressed in scientific notation thus using a minimum of digits but retaining its original value.
That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".
That shape is called a cylinder.That shape is called a cylinder.That shape is called a cylinder.That shape is called a cylinder.
That's called an equation.That's called an equation.That's called an equation.That's called an equation.
It is called the minuend The number you subtract from it is called the subtrahend
It is a very large number which would normally be expressed in scientific notation thus using a minimum of digits but retaining its original value.
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 78 inches is equal to 78 / 12 = 6.5 feet or 6 feet 6 inches.Â?12 inches in a foot. 78 inches is 6 foot and 6 inches (6 and a half feet)6 and a half feet or 6 feet and 6 inches
It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.It can be called the Clipboard.
They were called Patricians.They were called Patricians.They were called Patricians.They were called Patricians.They were called Patricians.They were called Patricians.They were called Patricians.They were called Patricians.They were called Patricians.
They are called formulas.They are called formulas.They are called formulas.They are called formulas.They are called formulas.They are called formulas.They are called formulas.They are called formulas.They are called formulas.They are called formulas.They are called formulas.
It was called the renaissance.It was called the renaissance.It was called the renaissance.It was called the renaissance.It was called the renaissance.It was called the renaissance.It was called the renaissance.It was called the renaissance.It was called the renaissance.
They are called Italians.They are called Italians.They are called Italians.They are called Italians.They are called Italians.They are called Italians.They are called Italians.They are called Italians.They are called Italians.
The seller is called the grantor. The buyer is called the grantee.The seller is called the grantor. The buyer is called the grantee.The seller is called the grantor. The buyer is called the grantee.The seller is called the grantor. The buyer is called the grantee.
It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.It is called the source data.
They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.They are called sheet tabs.
Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.