200000000 + 20000000 = 220000000
To calculate 7 percent of 10,000, you would multiply 10,000 by 0.07 (which is the decimal equivalent of 7 percent). The result is 700. Therefore, 7 percent of 10,000 is 700.
15729=10000+5000+700+20+9 or the highest digit plus next highest plus nexthighest and so on
1000 plus 10000 equals 11000
200000000 + 20000000 = 220000000
To calculate 7 percent of 10,000, you would multiply 10,000 by 0.07 (which is the decimal equivalent of 7 percent). The result is 700. Therefore, 7 percent of 10,000 is 700.
15729=10000+5000+700+20+9 or the highest digit plus next highest plus nexthighest and so on
1000 plus 10000 equals 11000
100 + 700 = 800
It is 200000000.
The answer is 1400
42003 + 10000 = 52003
40000 + 10000 = 50000