999-100 =899
Since 7 is less than 9, it follows that .7 is also less than .9 or than .999 (and note that .999 is .099 more than .9).
the answer is 000,1,000 000
solution: we know that there are 25 prime numbers are between 1-100 and 168 prime numbers less than 1000. 100 x 100=10000(5 digits) 999 x 999=998001(6 digits) 1000 x 1000=1000000(7 digits) so our answer should be same as the number of prime numbers between 100 to 999. hence, 168-25=143. 143 prime numbers will be there less than 1000 whose square has 5 or 6 digits.
999-100 =899
What is the greatest palindromic number less than 999?
999 is one less than a thousand
1000-1=999 the answer is 999
Since 7 is less than 9, it follows that .7 is also less than .9 or than .999 (and note that .999 is .099 more than .9).
109 whole numbers greater than 9 and less than 999 are multiples of 9
It is 999.
1000 - 1 = 999
the answer is 000,1,000 000
99999 999
100 billion minus 1 million is 99 billion 999 million. In standard form it is expressed as: 99,999,000,000