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One one hundredth of a second is ten milliseconds.

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Q: What is 100th of a second?
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What is a 100th of a second in milliseconds?

A 100th of a second is equal to 10 milliseconds.

If a fish swims 0.09 centimeters every hundredth of a second how fast in meters per second is it swimming?

Since a centimeter is 100th of a meter, it would be traveling at .09 meters per second. 100th of a second, 100th of a meter, the relationship is 1. meters per second.

What is 100th of a second in scientific notation?

To express 100th of a second in scientific notation, we write it as 1 x 10^-2 seconds.

What is the 100th verse in the Bible what is the 100th word in the Bible what is the 100th chapter in the Bible what is the 100th letter in the Bible- In both the old and New Testaments?

In the Old Testament, the 100th verse is in Genesis 6:10. The 100th word is "them" in Genesis 1:29. The 100th chapter is Psalms 100. The 100th letter is the Hebrew letter "he" in Genesis 1:1. In the New Testament, the 100th verse is in Matthew 5:18. The 100th word is "to" in Matthew 1:2. The 100th chapter is Matthew 15. The 100th letter is the Greek letter "alpha" in Matthew 1:1.

Where is the 100th spot in a decimal fraction?

It is the digit second to the right of the decimal point.

Is jiffy one-hundredth of a second?

Actually, it is only 1/100th a second to a company who makes instant noodles. A jiffy is a 1/60 of a second. A centisecond is 1/100 of a second.

What is the actual unit of time for one one hundredth of a second?

One thousandth of a second is a millisecond. Ten milliseconds = 1/100th of a second. Also called a 'centisecond'.

What is a millsecond?

A millisecond is a 1000th of a second. Milli comes from the latin word Milliardo which means thousand. Another term which is used is centisecond which is a 100th of a second

If you flip a coin does its speed ever become zero?

When the coin is at its highest, its speed becomes zero for a 100th of a second.

Who is the most recent premiership football player to score 100 goals?

Cristiano Ronaldo scored his 100th goal in the second half of last season. Andrew Johnson scored his 100th league goal early in the season

What word means the 100th year?

Centenary means the 100th anniversay, which would be the 100th year.

How fast can a customized Dodge Viper go per second?

For about $150,000 you can customize your Viper to go 255 miles per hour, or 4 feet in a 100th of a second!!