10101010 in decimal = 9A2112 in Hex.
The binary number 10101010 is equivalent, in decimal representation, to 128 + 32 + 8 + 2 = 170. But this answer assumes that the given number is binary - an assumption for which there is no real justification. Besides, the relationship is an equivalence, which is not quite "the same thing".
101010100 010101011
10101010 in decimal = 9A2112 in Hex.
In any base other than 2 (ie other than binary): 10101010 + 01111 = 10102121 In base 2 (binary): 10101010 + 01111 = 10111001
10101010 + 01111 = 10111001 (170+15 = 185)
10101010 = 10^7 + 10^5 + 10^3 + 10.
The binary number 10101010 is equivalent, in decimal representation, to 128 + 32 + 8 + 2 = 170. But this answer assumes that the given number is binary - an assumption for which there is no real justification. Besides, the relationship is an equivalence, which is not quite "the same thing".
Each place represents a power of 2. 10101010 base 2 = 27 + 25 + 23 + 21 = 128 + 32 + 8 + 2 = 170
Ten million, one hundred one thousand, ten.