111.009 rounded to four significant digits is 111.0
14.587020 rounded to four significant digits is 14.59
The 1st four digits are significant
Four - zeros between significant digits are significant.
One - the four. None of the trailing 0s are significant digits.
111.009 rounded to four significant digits is 111.0
111.009mm rounded to four significant digits is 111.0mm
431801 rounded to four significant digits is 4318.
14.587020 rounded to four significant digits is 14.59
1042L rounded off to two significant digits is 1000L. The digit "1" in the hundreds place is the most significant digit, so the number is rounded down to 1000L.
14.587020 rounded to four significant digits results in 14.59
There are four significant digits in the number 1.071.
There are four significant figures in 1.004.
The 1st four digits are significant
Four - zeros between significant digits are significant.