To convert 1310 to a mixed number, you divide the numerator (1310) by the denominator (1) of the whole number. This results in 1310 divided by 1, which equals 1310. Therefore, 1310 as a mixed number is 1310 0/1.
It is: (29035+1310)/2 = 15172.5
110110012 = 1101 10012 = [1310] [910] = D916
A mixed number
A mixed number is made up of a whole number and a fraction.
0.15% as a mixed number
It is: (29035+1310)/2 = 15172.5
The CAS Registry Number for sodium hydroxide is 1310-73-2.
to help and to reales answer heres my number 1310 669 8517 to help reales feeling for any more question my number is 1310 669 8517 im a pastor and a preacher
1310 ÷ 2 = 655
The most obvious instance is 1310. Any number which is a multiple of 13 more or less than this would satisfy the conditions, eg 1310 + 52 = 1362 or 1310 - 91 = 1219 etc etc.
110110012 = 1101 10012 = [1310] [910] = D916
The phone number of the Provincetown Museum is: 508-487-1310.
The phone number of the Aboite Branch is: 260-421-1310.
The phone number of the Bloomingdale Branch Library is: 423-288-1310.
There are 1310 grams in 1.31 kg.
It is 23580.
There are 1609.344 metres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to three decimal places, 1310 metres is equal to 1310/1609.344 = 0.814 miles.