Word form = one million, three hundred ninety-eight thousand, five hundred twenty-one.
Standard form = 1,398,521
Twenty thousand is the word form and 20,000 is the standard form.
The standard form for this word form is "705".
Word-form . . . on a check or a formal invitation Standard form . . . everywhere else
9.06 is standard form. In word form it would be nine and six hundredths.
It is short word form. Standard form is 70,000 and word form is seventy thousand.
Twenty thousand is the word form and 20,000 is the standard form.
standard form = forma estándar
Standard form: 4.08 Word form: four and eight hundredths (Speaking: four point zero eight)
The standard form for this word form is "705".
Word-form . . . on a check or a formal invitation Standard form . . . everywhere else
9.06 is standard form. In word form it would be nine and six hundredths.
4,600,028 in standard word form is: four million six hundred thousand twenty-eight.
In word form, we write eighty-four and 2 tenths.In standard form, we simplify the expression to get 84.2.
The word form is: four and twenty-three hundredths.
28,302,603 in standard word form is: twenty-eight million three hundred two thousand six hundred three.