

What is 14-a equals 7?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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14y ago

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14= 7+a

a= 7

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Assuming the missing signs are pluses, that would work out to a^3 + 12a^2 + 14a + 5

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It is: 7(2a+3) when factorised

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I'm assuming you mean: 14a - 93 = 49 - 57a If so then the answer is something like this... 14a + 57a = 49 + 93 which is... -> 71a = 142 which makes a = 142/71 = 2 so : a = 2 Hope that's what you were looking for! Your welcome if it was! :)

What is the difference between pre 14a and def 14a?

PRE 14A : Preliminary Proxy Statement not related to a contested matter or merger/acquisition. It is filed by company before filing of DEF 14A. Some companies only file PRE 14A. They file PRE 14A if DEF 14A may takes time to file. DEF 14A: Definitive Proxy Statements. It contains full information. Every company should file DEF 14A.