

What is 16 0 0 fertilizer?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is 16 0 0 fertilizer?
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What is 30-0-0 fertilizer?

16% Nitrogen 20% Phosphorous 0% Potash.

What is 0-0-60 fertilizer?

0-0-60 fertilizer is straight Potassium or commonly referred to as "potash"

How much does 28 0 0 fertilizer weigh per gallon?

28-0-0 fertilizer weighs approximately 10.68 to 10.75 pounds per gallon.

What is 0 0 60 fertilizer?

The three numbers on a bag of fertilizer indicate the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium available. So in the case of 0,0,60 fertilizer, there is 60% potassium available with no nitrogen & phosphorus.

Difference between 32-0-0 and 34-0-0 fertilizer?

The numbers in each fertilizer represent the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively. Therefore, the difference between 32-0-0 and 34-0-0 fertilizer is the nitrogen content - the 32-0-0 fertilizer has 32% nitrogen, while the 34-0-0 fertilizer has 34% nitrogen. Nitrogen is important for plant growth and development.

What does the numbers 10-0-0's on a fertilizer label mean?

It usually refers to the ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) in the fertilizer. So 10-0-0 means that there is no phosphorous or potassium, only 10 parts nitrogen per 100 parts fertilizer.

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What is 16-32-16 fertilizer used for?

16-32-16 refers to 16% nitrogen 32% phosphate and 16% potash. It is used for plant growth.

How much does a gallon of 15-0-0-20 weigh?

A gallon of liquid fertilizer with a 15-0-0-20 formulation would weigh approximately 10.4 pounds. This weight can vary slightly depending on the specific density of the fertilizer and any added chemicals.

What do you use on pecan trees?

A nitrogen fertilizer is what is used to fertilize pecan trees (Carya illinoiensis).Specifically, ammonium nitrate is an effective, reasonably priced nitrogen fertilizer for pecan trees. It is sold in packages marked 33-0-0 for 33% weight of nitrogen and 0% each of phosphorus and potassium. Another effective, reasonably priced nitrogen fertilizer is ammonium sulfate (21-0-0), at 21% nitrogen.

What is the best fertilizer for yellow chokecherry?

A balanced, general fertilizer is the best fertilizer for yellow chokecherry. The shrub or small tree in question (Prunus virginiana) needs loamy, well-drained soil with pH (power of hydrogen) ranges between 5.0 and 8.0. It generally requires fertilization, such as by a 16-16-16 NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) fertilizer in the spring, only if soil testing and analysis suggest nutrient deficiencies.

What is 16 Subtracting from 0?

16 subtracting from 0 = 16