111.85 mph
90 km per hour.
2/3 hours.2/3 hours.2/3 hours.2/3 hours.
3 hours.
There are 12 quarter hours in 3 hours, since there are 4 quarter hours in an hour.
180km/h 180km/h
15% of 180km= 15% * 180= 0.15 * 180= 27km
Picardy is not a place, it is a region. At its closest, Senlis is 50km from Paris (an hour by road), while Abbeville is 180km, more like 2 hours.
It's about 180km, and takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes to drive. Directions at http://url.ie/28h8.
111.85 mph
About 180km
180km is about 111.8 miles.
About 112 miles or 180km
Reckon it is about 180km give or take 10 km ... regards,
90 km per hour.