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It's impossible! The 2 are different units, they can't be converted.

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Q: What is 18km into minutes?
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10 minutes 19.5 seconds.

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18km by road.

How far is 18kilometres?

18km is about 11.2 (11.1847) miles.

How many centimeters are in 18 kilometers?

There are 1,800,000cm in 18km

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About 11.2 miles.

What distance is traveled in 15 mins at 72km per hour?

1 hour = 60 minutes 60/15 = 4, or 15 = 1/4 of 60 If distance traveled in 60 minutes = 72km, then in 1/4 that time, you traveled 1/4 of that distance 72/4 = 18km

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these trees have long roots which goes 18KM TO THE GROUND.

What is 5 meters per second written in kilometers per hour?

18km per hour.