improper fraction for two and four fifths ? fourteen fifths or 14 / 5
Don't know what frations are. In fractions, 356 could be written as 356/1 or 712/2 etc.
7/5 = 1 2/5.
An improper fraction is something like 7/5, or seven fifths. If it was something like this, 1 2/5, or one and two fifths, it would be a compound number.
1 and 2/5 as an improper fraction is 7/5
improper fraction for two and four fifths ? fourteen fifths or 14 / 5
12/5 an improper fraction = (5*1 + 2)/5 = 7/5.
Don't know what frations are. In fractions, 356 could be written as 356/1 or 712/2 etc.
1 3/5 + 4/5 = 12/5 (<improper fraction) or as a mixed fraction, 2 2/5 (2 and two fifths)
7/5 = 1 2/5.
2 can be written as 10/5 or ten fifths. Add one fifth (1/5) and you get 11/5 or eleven fifths.
An improper fraction is something like 7/5, or seven fifths. If it was something like this, 1 2/5, or one and two fifths, it would be a compound number.
Expressed as an improper fraction, two fifths is written as 2/5.
improper fraction equivalent to 3 and two fifths = 17/53 and 2/5= 3 + 2/5= 15/5 + 2/5= 17/5 in improper fraction