

What is 1 percent x 0.15?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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11y ago

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1 percent x 0.15 = 0.01 x 0.15 = 0.0015

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11y ago
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Q: What is 1 percent x 0.15?
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0.33 = 1.5% X; X is the number 0.33 = 0.015 X X = 22 Above answer is absolutely correct. More detail follows: Below, Let "W" stand for "What".... Now, state your question in equation form. .33 = 1.5% * W Then convert the % to decimal form .33 = (1.5 * .01) * W And, simplify that decimal form .33 = .015 * W To solve for W, divide both sides by .015 .33 / .015 = W Lastly, simplify that fraction 22 = W So, your answer is .33 is 1.5 percent of 22.

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1.5 percent of 5600000 equals 86000. To find this, I moved the decimal in 1.5% over two places to the left to make it a decimal. (.015). Then, i multiplied .015 times 5600000. Hope this helped!

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20% = 20/100 = 0.2 15 > 0.2