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1 chain = 22 yards (approximately 20 metres) or 66 feet.

There are 80 chains in a mile.


1 square chain = 22x22 or 484 square yards = 66 x 66 or 4356 square feet.

Interestingly 1 acre = 10 square chains (yes, 10).

So 1 square chain = 0.1 acres.

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Q: What is 1 square chain?
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What is the derivative of x divided by square root of 1 plus x2?

So basically this is just a quotient rule problem with the chain rule Turn the square root into the 1/2 power and the derivative of the bottom with the chain rule is 1/2(1+x^2)^-1/2 and add on the derivative of the inside, 2x the full derivative is ((1+x^2)(1)-(x)(1/2(1+x^2)^-1/2 +2x))/ 1+x^2 since you square the denominator when you apply the quotient rule.

What would be the measurement of a regular one acre piece of land length and width expressed in meters?

an acre is 1 chain by 1 furlong. 1 chain = 20.11metres 1 furlong = 201.1metres 20.11 x 201.1 = 4046.8 metres squared. or a square with sides 63.6 metres.

1 chain equals how many feet?

A chain is a very old Linear Measure. 1 chain = 22 yards = 66 feet.

Why is 1 not a perfect square?

1 is a perfect square. This is because the square of 1 is 1.

What is an acre equal to?

Oddly enough, an acre was not defined as a square, but as a rectangle -- for example a long, thin parcel of farmland that would be plowed in long furrows. It is 1/640th of a square mile, or 4840 square yards, or 43560 square feet. The simplest designation uses the obsolete units chain (66 feet) and furlong (660 feet or 10 chains or 1/8 mile). Thus an acre is 1 chain by 1 furlong, or 10 square chains, and may have been established as about a day's plowing for an ox. The 1/640th of a mile can be seen in that there are 80 chains to a mile and 8 furlongs to a mile, a unit still seen in various horse race distances today. The SI unit comparable to the acre is a hectare (10000 m2), which is about 2.47 acres.

Related questions

How many yards are there in a square chains?

1 square chain equates to 484 square yards.

What unit of measurement is used by surveyors?

chain = 66 feet. rod = 16.5 feet [1/4 of a chain]. link = 7.92 inches (1/100 of a chain). acre = 10 square chains (10 chains by 1 chain = 660 ft x 66 ft = 43560 sq ft)

How many acres in 640 square rods?

There are 160 square rods in an acre. (see the customary English units below)1 international acre is equal to the following metric units:4046.8564224 square meters0.40468564224 hectare1 United States survey acre is equal to:4046.87261 square meters0.404687261 hectare1 acre (both variants) is equal to the following customary units:66 feet × 660 feet (43,560 square feet)1 chain x 10 chains ( 1-chain = 66 feet or 22 yards or 4 rods)1 acre is approximately 208.71 feet x 208.71 feet (square)4840 square yards160 perches. A perch is equal to a square rod (1 square rod is 0.00625 acre)10 square chains4 roodsA chain by a furlong (chain 22 yards, furlong 220 yards)0.0015625 square mile (1 square mile is equal to 640 acres)

What is the derivative of x divided by square root of 1 plus x2?

So basically this is just a quotient rule problem with the chain rule Turn the square root into the 1/2 power and the derivative of the bottom with the chain rule is 1/2(1+x^2)^-1/2 and add on the derivative of the inside, 2x the full derivative is ((1+x^2)(1)-(x)(1/2(1+x^2)^-1/2 +2x))/ 1+x^2 since you square the denominator when you apply the quotient rule.

How many sq m in one acre?

an acre is 1 chain by 10 chains 1 chain = 22 yards or 66 feet (66ft x 0.3048m/ft)2 x 10 = 4,046.856 square metres

What would be the measurement of a regular one acre piece of land length and width expressed in meters?

an acre is 1 chain by 1 furlong. 1 chain = 20.11metres 1 furlong = 201.1metres 20.11 x 201.1 = 4046.8 metres squared. or a square with sides 63.6 metres.

What is the area of Chain of Rocks Park?

The area of Chain of Rocks Park is 120,434.44713062402 square meters.

How many types of chain in chain survey?

There were several versions of measuring chains in history, but the most popular for the last 400 years was the Gunter's chain, measuring 66 feet, having 100 links. The 66-foot measurement has the interesting characteristic that it is the square root of 4356, which is 1/10 of the number of square feet in an acre. Thus, ten square chains is on acre. Obviously, a mile is also composed of 80 chains (5280/66). Many land surveys into the 20th century continued to use chains in the USA, as well as rods, which is exactly 1/4 of a chain.

What are the release dates for Moesha - 1996 Chain Chain Chain 1-7?

Moesha - 1996 Chain Chain Chain 1-7 was released on: USA: 12 March 1996

What is the area of Chain Lakes Provincial Park?

The area of Chain Lakes Provincial Park is 4,400,000.0 square meters.

How many square feet are in two chain long by two feet wide?

It is 132 square feet.

How many acres are 1200 square metres?

1,400 square meters = a little more than 1/3 acre (0.345947534 acres) ===== 2.54 cm = 1 inch, exactly 0.0254 m = 1/12 foot 0.0254 x 12 m = 1 foot 0.0254 x 12 x 6 m = 6 feet = 1 fathom 0.0254 x 12 x 6 x 11 m = 11 fathoms = 1 chain (0.0254 x 12 x 6 x 11 m)^2 = (1 chain)^2 (0.0254 x 12 x 6 x 11)^2 square meters = 1 square chain 10 x (0.0254 x 12 x 6 x 11)^2 square meters = 10 square chains = 1 acre 1 square meter = 1 / [10 x (0.0254 x 12 x 6 x 11)^2] acres 1400 square meters = 1400 / [10 x (0.0254 x 12 x 6 x 11)^2] acres 1400 square meters = 140 / (0.0254 x 12 x 6 x 11)^2 acres 1400 square meters ≈ 0.345947534054031 acres