

What is 2.0 x n?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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12y ago

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you have to know what n equels

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Q: What is 2.0 x n?
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Ok this equation is 20 = 0.004 x N, yes? Rearrange for the variable 'N' to get 20/0.004 = N, N = 5000. Not hard.

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1*20 = 20 Thus n = 20

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Try using a calculator! 20 x 4 = 80. It could not be simpler!

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Per cent or percentage equates to a hundredth. So, 7.75 = n x 20/100 n = 7.75 x 100/20 = 7.75 x 5 = 38.5. 20% of 38.5 is 7.75

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Yes - 380 is the correct answer. Here is the formula: n x (n-1) or by multiplying out, n x n - n where 'n' is the number of teams. This formula applies to any league where each team plays every other team twice in a season. So for 20 teams in the English Premier League, the calculation is 20 x (20-1) = 20 x 19 = 380.

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20 diagonals For any n-sided polygon, the formula for the number of diagonals is (n/2) x (n-3), so for an octagon it is (8/2) x (8-3) = 4 x 5 = 20.

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20 diagonals For any n-sides polygon, the formula for the number of diagonals is (n/2) x (n-3), so for an octagon it is (8/2) x (8-3) = 4 x 5 = 20.

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N x 5% = N/20.71000/20 = 3550.

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Let the unknown number be n.Then 20 x n = 177 : so n = 177 ÷ 20 = 8.85 or 817/20.