20.663 to nearest whole number is 21
9/21 = 0.4286 so 43% of 21 = 9.03 = 9 rounded to whole number.
The answer depends on the degree of rounding. To the nearest whole number, it is 21. To the nearest hundred (or larger), it is 0.
20.663 to nearest whole number is 21
21.3 rounded to the nearest whole number = 21
It is: 21
9/21 = 0.4286 so 43% of 21 = 9.03 = 9 rounded to whole number.
The answer depends on the degree of rounding. To the nearest whole number, it is 21. To the nearest hundred (or larger), it is 0.
21 over 40 rounded to the nearest fourth is 0.5
20.954 rounded to the nearest cent is 21 cents.
503.8 rounded to the nearest whole number is 504