532/100 = 266/50 = 133/25
A fraction in its simplest form has no more common factors. In this case, 231 and 798 both have a digit sum that can divide by 3, and so we know they both have 3 as a factor. That means that 231/798 is not yet in its simplest form. Dividing top and bottom by 3 gives 77/266 which is simpler.
Expressed as a decimal, rounded to two decimal places, sqrt(1064) = ±32.62. Expressed as a surd in its simplest form, this is equal to 2 sqrt(266).
3/8 is in its simplest form.
The simplest form is 10, exactly as in the question.The simplest form is 10, exactly as in the question.The simplest form is 10, exactly as in the question.The simplest form is 10, exactly as in the question.
532/100 = 266/50 = 133/25
A fraction in its simplest form has no more common factors. In this case, 231 and 798 both have a digit sum that can divide by 3, and so we know they both have 3 as a factor. That means that 231/798 is not yet in its simplest form. Dividing top and bottom by 3 gives 77/266 which is simpler.
Expressed as a decimal, rounded to two decimal places, sqrt(1064) = ±32.62. Expressed as a surd in its simplest form, this is equal to 2 sqrt(266).
Simplest form
3/7 is in its simplest form.
1/4 is in its simplest form.
16/13 is in its simplest form.
no its not in simplest form.........the simplest form would be 1/3
3/8 is in its simplest form.
It is already in simplest form.
-- The simplest form of 17 is 17 . -- The simplest form of 23 is 23 .
71/15 is in its simplest form.