It is: 269/5 in its simplest form
No, 269 is a prime number.
The important point to note is that a percentage is that number over 100. Therefore 26.9 can be written as 26.9/100. However this isn't really a fraction yet as the numerator has a decimal. To get rid of this we need to multiply top and bottom by 10. That gives us 269/1000, and as 269 is prime, that's the simplest form. Therefore 26.9% as a fraction is 269/1000
269 is a prime number which is only divisible by itself and one
It is 269/200.
It is: 269/5 in its simplest form
No, 269 is a prime number.
269 is, itself a rational number.
The important point to note is that a percentage is that number over 100. Therefore 26.9 can be written as 26.9/100. However this isn't really a fraction yet as the numerator has a decimal. To get rid of this we need to multiply top and bottom by 10. That gives us 269/1000, and as 269 is prime, that's the simplest form. Therefore 26.9% as a fraction is 269/1000
It is 269 because 269 is a prime number in its own right
The expanded form of a number breaks it down into its individual place values. For the number 269, the expanded form would be 200 + 60 + 9. This shows that 269 is composed of 2 hundreds, 6 tens, and 9 ones.
269 is a prime number which is only divisible by itself and one