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Q: What is 24.95 plus 16.99 plus 16.99 plus 18.49 in money?
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a negative number. think banking..... no money plus no money is ? Nothing (negative) "no money" would be zero, wouldn't it? Zero, or "nothing", is not negative. Still, a negative number plus a negative number is a negative number. minus X plus minus Y equals minus(X + Y).

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Today we would convert 14, 299 and 1699 into Roman numerals as XIV, CCXCIX and MDCXCIX which makes addition with them in some kind of logical progressive order quite difficult if not impossible.But there are reasons to believe that the Romans themselves would have worked out the equivalent of 14, 299 and 1699 as XIIII, CCLXXXXVIIII and MDCLXXXXVIIII then simplified them to IXV, ICCC and IMDCC in written form respectively which makes addition simply straighforward as follows:-IXV+ICCC = CCCXIII (15-1)+(300-1) = 313CCCXIII+IMDCC = MMXII (313)+(1700-1) = 2012Alternatively:-XIIII+CCLXXXXVIIII = CCCXIII (14+299 = 313)CCCXIII+MDCLXXXXVIIII = MMXII (313+1699 = 2012)Roman numerals: I=1, V=5, X=10. L=50, C=100, D=500 and M=1000Remember that: 5*I=V, 2*V=X, 5*X=L, 2*L=C, 5*C=D and 2*D=MQED

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