1,000 to 2 s.f., or 1,000 (2 s.f.) or 1,000.
236+710 = 946. Rounded to 2 significant digits, that is 950, rounded to one sd, it is 900.
2 of them are significant.
There are 5 significant digits in number 14500. To count for a given number as to how many significant digits does it have, look for the first zero form left and decimal point. For ex sample 0045 has 2 significant digits 0.0045 has 2 significant digits 0.4500 has 4 significant digits.
009999991 rounded to 2 significant digits is 1.0e7
2.99 rounded to three significant digits is 2.96 2.99 rounded to two significant digits is 3.0
Solution: Given, number = 0.4559 If a number only has 2 significant digits, the maximum significant digits it can be rounded to is 2 significant digits. The zeros before a non Zero digit are not significant. The since 9>5 it adds 1 to preceding one while rounding off. ⟹0.046. The original number, 0.4559, has 4 significant digits. Rounding this number to 2 significant digits gives us 0.46.
To round numbers to 3 significant figures, identify the first three non-zero digits from the left. If the digit after the third significant figure is 5 or more, round up the last significant figure. If the digit after the third significant figure is less than 5, keep the last significant figure the same. Trailing zeroes can be kept to maintain the significant figures.
1,000 to 2 s.f., or 1,000 (2 s.f.) or 1,000.
236+710 = 946. Rounded to 2 significant digits, that is 950, rounded to one sd, it is 900.
At least 1 and at most 7. It could be 3,999,999.9 rounded to 7 significant figures; It could be 3,999,999 rounded to 6 significant figures; It could be 4,000,015 rounded to 5 significant figures; It could be 4,000,429 rounded to 4 significant figures; It could be 3,999,999 rounded to 3 significant figures; It could be 4,049,999 rounded to 2 significant figures; It could be 4,492,467 rounded to 1 significant figure.
When rounding 1286 to 2 significant figures, you must consider the first two non-zero digits from the left. In this case, those digits are 1 and 2. The digit to the right of 2 (8) is greater than 5, so you round up. Therefore, 1286 rounded to 2 significant figures is 1300.
Just one. The trailing zeros are not significant. * * * * * Not true. Integers with trailing 0s are ambiguous. You cannot differentiate between 500o as a number rounded to the nearest thousand (1 significant digit), or the nearest hundred (2 sig digits), or the nearest ten (3 sig digits) or the nearest unit (4 sig digits).
5 significant digits because the 2 zeros are in between other significant digits.