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231 + 231 = 2 x 231 = 232

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Q: What is 2 exponent 31 plus 2 exponent 31 equals?
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Two to the sixth power. 8 with an exponent of 2 equals 64 and 4 with an exponent of 3 equals 64

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The first and third are quadratic expressions in x, the second is a quadratic expressions in n, and the fourth is a quadratic expressions in y. None of them are equations so cannot be solved.

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2 squared is 4 3 cubed is 27 27 plus 4 is 31

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4194304 can be expressed as an exponent by finding the base and exponent that equals this number. Since 4194304 is a power of 2, it can be expressed as 2^22. This is because 2 raised to the 22nd power equals 4194304.

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7x + 5y 7(3) + 5(2) 21 + 10 = 31

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2(4)^2 - 1 = 4(4) + 15 31 = 31 yes!