This equation has no value, as the value of n could be anything, giving this equation an infinite number of answers. To answer this equation, you either need to know what n is, or have an equals sign.
2n + 8 = -142n = -22n = -11
14-2n = 12
You can't. 17 + 2n = 21 + 2n gives: 2n = 4 + 2n which gives 0=4 which is not possible so the sum is not solveable.
Exactly that. 2n+2.
(2n + 7)(2n + 7)
2n + 8 = -142n = -22n = -11
2n + 27
14-2n = 12
2n + 4m - 2n + m = 5m
If you mean: (2n-14)(3n+9) = 0 then it is a quadratic equation whose solution is n = -3 or n = 7
2n plus 4 = 2n + 4
This question can be expressed algebraically as: (1/n) + (1/(2n)) + 2 = 23, (1/n) + (1/(2n)) =21, ((1+2)/(2n)) = 21, (3/(2n)) = 21, or 2n = (3/21), 2n = (1/7), so n = (1/14). This, by the way, is an elementary algebraic proof that the solution to the above relation is (1/14). Anyway, to answer the question, reread the question: "[What integer is such that] the reciprocal of the integer...". notice, the reciprocal of (1/14) is 14, which is the integer in question! ^_^
You can't. 17 + 2n = 21 + 2n gives: 2n = 4 + 2n which gives 0=4 which is not possible so the sum is not solveable.
5n = 2n + 3n .
Exactly that. 2n+2.