Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by Answers.com means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals" etc. Also use ^ to indicate powers (eg x-squared = x^2).
x = 5y3/6
-2x-6= -2x-6Another answer:-2x-6 = 2x+6-2x-2x = 6+6-4x = 12x = -3
2x - 3 = 2x - 52x = 2x - 22x - 2x = -20 =/= -2Zero is not equal to -2 so the answer is no solution.
d/dx sec(2x) = 2sec(2x)tan(2x)
x = 5y3/6
5y3 - 125y = 5y(y2-25) = 5y (y+5)(y-5)
45 - triode power amplifier 80 - fullwave rectifier 125A - - can't find data 1C5 - pentode power amplifier 5Y3 - equivalent to 80 5U4 - higher-rated version of 80/5y3 12SA6 - - can't find data - did you mean *12sa7* pentagrid converter
LCM(5y3, 25y6) = 25y6
Tube Socket ___ octal n 4pin
2X * 2X * 2X = 8X^3 2X^3 is saying 2*( X * X * X) = 2X^3
It is 2x+(-2x) = 0
2x * 2x (2*2=4) therefore, 2x*2x equals 4x2.
-2x-6= -2x-6Another answer:-2x-6 = 2x+6-2x-2x = 6+6-4x = 12x = -3
2x2 + 2x = 2x(x+1)