

What is 2x squared plus x minus 1 equals zero in quadratic form?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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11y ago

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It is, as stated, 2x2 + x - 1 = 0. That is the quadratic form.

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Q: What is 2x squared plus x minus 1 equals zero in quadratic form?
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It is a quadratic equation in the form of y2-4y-5 = 0 and will have two solutions: When factorised: (y-5)(y+1) = 0 Therefore: y = 5 or y = -1

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Merge the equations together and form a quadratic equation in terms of x:- 3x2-20x+28 = 0 (3x-14)(x-2) = 0 x = 14/3 or x = 2 So when x = 14/3 then y = -13/3 and when x = 2 then y = 1

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Using the quadratic formula-- ((negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac) divided by (2a)) you'll want to google that so you can see it in numerical form. a, b, and c are the coefficiants of your three terms ( 2 is a, -5 is b, and 2 is c) The answer is (x-2)(2x-1).

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ax2+bx+c = 0 is the general form of a quadratic equation which normally has two solutions

How does 2x squared minus x equal one half?

2x²-x=0.5 is more manageable in the standard quadratic form : 2x2 - x - 0.5 = 0double this to get rid of that pesky 0.5 : 4x2 - 2x -1 = 0The quadratic formula solves ax2 + bx + c =0 using x = (-b +/- (b2-4ac) 0.5 ) / 2ax equals [minus b plus or minus (square root of {b squared minus 4ac})] all over 2aputting in a=4, b=-2, c=-1 gives (2 +/- (4 + 16)0.5 ) / 8which reduces to( 1 +/- (5)0.5) / 4this evaluates to x= .809 or -.309Notice that plus or minus square root (b2 - 4ac) usually produces two different solutions. Equations in the second degree always have two solutions; if the quadratic is such that b2 equals 4ac the formula seems to give only one solution. Don't worry about this; there are still two solutions, they just happen to be identical!

Why does quadratic equation called quadratic equation?

Quadratic equations are called quadratic because quadratus is Latin for ''square'';in the leading term the variable is squared. is form of ax^2+bx+c=0

Why quadratic equation called quadratic?

Because it is in the form of ax^2+bx+c=0 Because quadratic means squared hence ax squared + bx +c=0 has a squared number as it's highest term. This is in fact the area of a square of a side "x" is x^2, so every equation having variable with exponent 2 become quadratic equation.

What is an equation that can be expressed in the form of the equation y equals ax squared plus bx plus c where the variable 'a' is not equal to 0?

The equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a != 0 is called quadratic.