When you round to the nearest hundred, if the tens and ones digit is 49 and lower you round down. If it is 50 or higher you round up. 3.7 is lower than 49 so you round down. This makes the answer 0.
Since the question asks about rounding up rather than simply rounding, the answer is 3.97
20 rounding units. 20.0 rounding tenths 19.8 rounding hundredths 19.76 rounding thousandths 19.765 rounding tenthousandths 19.7649 rounding hundred thousandths
When rounding to the nearest hundred, the answer is: zero
If you're rounding to the nearest whole number, it's roudned to 37. If you're rounding to the nearest tenth, its 36.6.
Since the question asks about rounding up rather than simply rounding, the answer is 3.97
20 rounding units. 20.0 rounding tenths 19.8 rounding hundredths 19.76 rounding thousandths 19.765 rounding tenthousandths 19.7649 rounding hundred thousandths
When rounding to the nearest hundred, the answer is: zero
If rounding to the nearest ten: 795 If rounding to the nearest hundred: 750
It is: 500