31.99 x (1 - (15/100)) = 31.99 x 0.85 = 27.1915
If the number refers to a unit of currency, don't forget to round to the appropriate number of decimal places.
800 minus 15 percent = 680
15 percent of ten dollars is 1.50
15 percent of 11.19 is 1.67. Or 11.99 minus 15 percent is 9.52.
2 percent of 15 thousand dollars is 300 dollars.
It is 38 minus 5.7 = 32.30 dollars
152.00 minus 15% (22.80) = 129.20
47.00 minus 15 percent is 39.95
800 minus 15 percent = 680
15 percent of 15 dollars is 2.25 dollars off, leaving 12.75
15 percent of ten dollars is 1.50
15 percent of 11.19 is 1.67. Or 11.99 minus 15 percent is 9.52.
2 percent of 15 thousand dollars is 300 dollars.
15 dollars.
32.06 - (15%) = 27.25
25,000 - (15%) = 21,250