A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 31,000,000,000.
5 31 as a decimal = 0.16135/31:= 5 ÷ 31= 0.1613 in decimal
1.08 billion written as a decimal is 1,080,000,000.0
31% = 0.31 as a decimal
31/25 into a decimal = 1.2431/25:= 31 ÷ 25= 1.24 in decimal
1.04 billion in decimal form is 1,040,000,000
5 31 as a decimal = 0.16135/31:= 5 ÷ 31= 0.1613 in decimal
1.08 billion written as a decimal is 1,080,000,000.0
31% = 0.31 as a decimal
31/25 into a decimal = 1.2431/25:= 31 ÷ 25= 1.24 in decimal
1.04 billion in decimal form is 1,040,000,000
51 billion in decimal or standard form is 51,000,000,000
31 billion is larger 6 billion 227 million 20 thousand 800 is much smaller than 31 billion or 31,000,000,000 vs 6,227,020,800
7.32 billion = 7,320,000,000
Expressed as a decimal, 31/25 is equal to 1.24.