To express 330 as a decimal, you simply write it as 330.0. In decimal form, whole numbers are typically written with a decimal point and a zero to indicate that there are no decimal places. Therefore, 330 as a decimal is 330.0.
80% of 330 is 264.There are several ways that you can work this out:The easiest way is probably to convert 80% into the decimal, 0.8.So 0.8 X 330 = 264Work out what 10% is, then multiply this by 8. Finding 10% is easy, you simply divide the number by 10, or move the decimal one place to the left. So therefore 10% of 330 is 33. And 33 X 8 = 264, therefore 80% of 330 is 264.Convert 80% to a fraction (80/100) and then multiply this by 330. You will end up with (80 X 330) / 100 = 26400 / 100 = 264
To find 0.33 of 1000, you simply multiply 0.33 by 1000. This can be done by moving the decimal point two places to the right to convert 0.33 to 33. Therefore, 0.33 of 1000 is equal to 330.
YES!!! To test for decimal size. 0.33 & 0.330 Brinf both numbers to the same numbers decimal places , by putting in zeroes. Hence 0.330 & 0.330 Drop the prefix 'zero' and the decimal point. Hence 330 & 330 So they are the same numberr/value. NB This method is good for testing any decimal pairs.
85% of 330 = 85% * 330 = 0.85 * 330 = 280.5
330/880 = 0.375
330% because if u move the decimal point over two times (which you have to do for every percentage problem) it becomes 330. 3.3 -> 33.0 -> 330 -> 330%
There are 304.8 millimetres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 330 millimetres is equal to 330/304.8 = 1.08 feet.
There are 2.54 centimetres in one inch. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 330 centimetres is equal to 330/2.54 = 129.92 inches.
3.3 = 33⁄10 or 3 3⁄10 or 330%
To find 20 percent of 330, you can multiply 330 by 0.20. This calculation gives you 66, which is 20 percent of 330. Another way to calculate this is by dividing 330 by 5 to get 66, as 20 percent is equivalent to 1/5 or 0.20 as a decimal.
80% of 330 is 264.There are several ways that you can work this out:The easiest way is probably to convert 80% into the decimal, 0.8.So 0.8 X 330 = 264Work out what 10% is, then multiply this by 8. Finding 10% is easy, you simply divide the number by 10, or move the decimal one place to the left. So therefore 10% of 330 is 33. And 33 X 8 = 264, therefore 80% of 330 is 264.Convert 80% to a fraction (80/100) and then multiply this by 330. You will end up with (80 X 330) / 100 = 26400 / 100 = 264
Making the assumption that by 0.33 litres you mean 33 / 100ths of a litre, rather than one third:Rounded to two decimal places, 1 cup = 236.59 millilitres.0.33 litres = 330 millilitres.Rounded to two decimal places, 330 / 236.59 millilitres = 1.39 cups.
The inexact value of tan 330 is -0.577350, to six significant places. The exact value cannot be represented as a single number because it is a non terminating decimal. To represent it exactly, consider that tan x is sin x over cos x, and that sin 330 is -0.5 and cos 330 is square root of 0.75. As a result, the exact value of tan 330 is -0.5 divided by square root of 0.75.