Expressed as a decimal, 355/1000 is equal to 0.355.
What percent of 355 is 71:= 71 / 355= 0.2Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.2 * 100 = 20%
Expressed as a decimal, 355/1000 is equal to 0.355.
To convert 355% to a decimal, you divide the percentage by 100. So, 355% is equal to 3.55 as a decimal. This is because 355 divided by 100 is 3.55.
What percent of 355 is 71:= 71 / 355= 0.2Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.2 * 100 = 20%
35.5% = .355
There are 1000 milliliters in a liter. To convert milliliters to liters you divide by 1000 or move the decimal to the left 3 spaces. 355 milliliters = .355 liters
It does, but the repeated decimal string is 112 characters long! No one seems to have ever bothered to post this somewhere, but at 112 places, the remainder is again 16 as it is immediately after the decimal point. 355/113 is remarkable in its close approximation of pi, accurate to a tiny fraction of a percent.
355/113, originally from China. It's value is 3.14159292035, accurate to 6 decimal places.
35% of 355= 35% * 355= 0.35 * 355= 124.25