35% = 0.350.35To convert 35% to decimal:1. Remove the % sign.2. Divide 35 by 100.35%= 0.35 in decimal
0.0035% Parts per million can be converted to parts per hundred by dividing by 10,000 or setting up a proportion. 35 ppm = 0.0035 parts per hundred. hence percentage it is 0.0035%
To convert a percent to a decimal, express the percent as a decimal then move the decimal point to the left two places:3.5% = 0.035
3.5% has a decimal equivalent of 0.035
35 = 35.0
35 ppm means 35 parts per million, whereas percentage means parts per 100. The simplest way to get the answer is to say 35 parts per million, that's 0.035 parts per thousand (move decimal point three places to left), so 0.0035 parts per hundred (move decimal point another place to left)
35% as a decimal is 0.35
35 IS a decimal. And the value of 35 c, as a decimal, depends on the value of c.
35% = 0.350.35To convert 35% to decimal:1. Remove the % sign.2. Divide 35 by 100.35%= 0.35 in decimal
0.0035% Parts per million can be converted to parts per hundred by dividing by 10,000 or setting up a proportion. 35 ppm = 0.0035 parts per hundred. hence percentage it is 0.0035%
It is: 35/10 = 3.5 as a decimal
Decimal: 0.35Fraction: 35/100.
To convert a percent to a decimal, express the percent as a decimal then move the decimal point to the left two places:3.5% = 0.035
3.5% has a decimal equivalent of 0.035
0.1 percent = 1,000 ppm 1 percent is 10,000 ppm. 2 percent is 20,000 ppm 3 percent is 30,000 ppm 10 percent is 100,000 ppm etc. Take the percent, move the decimal point 4 places to the right, and you have the ppm. You take it from here.
35 = 35.0
Expressed as a decimal, 35/10000 = 0.0035