35% = 0.35
To convert 35% to decimal:
1. Remove the % sign.
2. Divide 35 by 100.
= 0.35 in decimal
To convert a percent to a decimal, express the percent as a decimal then move the decimal point to the left two places:3.5% = 0.035
As a decimal = 0.35 As a fraction = 35/100 or 7/20
3.5% has a decimal equivalent of 0.035
Yes. 35% = 0.35 which is a terminating decimal
2.5 is what percent of 35= 2.5 / 35= 0.071429Converting decimal to a percentage:0.071429 * 100 = 7.14%
To convert a percent to a decimal, express the percent as a decimal then move the decimal point to the left two places:3.5% = 0.035
35% as a decimal is 0.35
35% = 0.35
As a decimal = 0.35 As a fraction = 35/100 or 7/20
35 percent = 35/100 = 0.35 So easy!
35% = 0.35
35% = 0.35
3.5% has a decimal equivalent of 0.035
This is 35% 0.35= 35% if you take the decimal and times it by 100 you should get you answer as a percent.
35 percent = 0.35 (divide by 100 to get the decimal equivalent of a percent: 35/100 = 0.35)
0.35% = 0.0035