Well, let's think about this like a happy little math problem. To simplify 385 as a fraction, we can divide the top and bottom by their greatest common factor, which is 5. So, 385 as a simplified fraction is 77/1. Just a joyful reminder that math can be as soothing as painting a lovely landscape.
To convert 385 into a mixed fraction, you first divide the numerator (385) by the denominator (1) to get the whole number part of the mixed fraction, which is 385. Then, you take the remainder (0 in this case) as the numerator of the fractional part and the original denominator (1) as the denominator. So, 385 as a mixed fraction is 385 0/1.
It is: 154/385 = 2/5
385/100 = 77/20, or 3 17/20
0.76 = 19/25 as a fraction simplified
6.6 as a simplified fraction is 33/5
To convert 385 into a mixed fraction, you first divide the numerator (385) by the denominator (1) to get the whole number part of the mixed fraction, which is 385. Then, you take the remainder (0 in this case) as the numerator of the fractional part and the original denominator (1) as the denominator. So, 385 as a mixed fraction is 385 0/1.
11 goes into both 44 and 385, so divide both by 11. The simplified fraction is 4/35.
It is: 154/385 = 2/5
385/100 = 77/20, or 3 17/20
0.385 in fraction =385/1000 or77/2000.385% = 0.385%/100% * 1000/1000 = 385/1000 or 77/200 in fraction
0.05 as a fraction simplified is 1/20
To express 3.23 as a simplified fraction, we first need to convert the decimal to a fraction. Since 3.23 has two decimal places, we can write it as 323/100. To simplify this fraction, we can divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 1. Therefore, 3.23 as a simplified fraction is 323/100.
0.76 = 19/25 as a fraction simplified
6.6 as a simplified fraction is 33/5
6.15 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form but that does not stop it being a fraction. And, as a decimal fraction, it cannot be simplified. Its rational equivalent is 615/100 which can be simplified to 123/20.
11/26 is the simplified fraction
0.385 to fraction:= 385/1000= 77/200