You cannot simplify percentages or decimals. You can only simplify fractions. So 12% as a fraction in its simplest form is 3/25.
NoExamples 3/12=1/49/12=3/4
If you mean 12/20 then it is equivalent to 6/10 or 3/5 in its simplest form
They are: 3/12 = 1/4 in its simplest form
You cannot simplify percentages or decimals. You can only simplify fractions. So 12% as a fraction in its simplest form is 3/25.
Simplest form in fractions is where the numerator and the denominator do not share any factors other than 1, i.e. they are relatively prime. For instance, 9/12 is not in simplest form, but 3/4 is.
NoExamples 3/12=1/49/12=3/4
If you mean 12/20 then it is equivalent to 6/10 or 3/5 in its simplest form
They are in there simplest form when they can reduce down no more, e.g 4/6 in its simplest form will be 2/3. 2/3 can reduce no more.
1/2. 2/3. 6/7 . 1/1000000 )That is ' one over one million). Are all simplest form fractions, because you cannot cancel down (reduce) the fraction. By comparison 2/4 is NOT the simplest form because it can be reduced by '2' to '1/2'. Similarly 2/1000000 is not the simplest form because, again it can be reduced by '2' Hence 1/500000 is the simplest form .
SIMPLEST FORM fractions are fractions that have a denominator that is not divisible by the numerator 3/9 (pretend it is a fraction) can be simplified because both 3 and 9 are divisible by three, creating 1/3, which is in simplest form.