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A polygon.

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Q: What is 3 or more line segments connected so that an area is enclosed inside?
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What is the relationship between segments and circles?

A segment of a circle is an area enclosed by a chord and an arc.

What are segments of a circle called?

Exactly as in the question and a segment of a circle is the area enclosed by a chord and an arc of a circle.

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Yes put the chickens inside an enclosed area that the hawk cant penetrate.

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Is a cone net a polygon?

No it is not. A polygon is an enclosed plane area whose boundaries comprise straight lines. The net of a cone comprises curved line segments and so cannot be a polygon.

Area enclosed by a line?

In the subject art an area enclosed by a line is a shape.

Which device that removes heat from small enclosed area?

A portable air conditioner or a mini-fridge with a cooling capacity can effectively remove heat from a small enclosed area. These devices work by extracting heat from the air inside the space and expelling it outside, cooling down the environment.

What is the area enclosed by a chord of a circle?

The area enclosed by a chord is equal to the area enclosed by a segment minus the area enclosed by the triangle with the same corners as the segment. To visualise it, draw a circle and put a chord on it. Label the chord AB and the centre of the circle C. The area of sector AB equal to the area of sector ABC minus the area of triangle ABC.

What is the enclosed area of a character called?

The enclosed area of a character is called a bowl. Once a bowl is created, the space is then called a counter. A counter is also defined as a partially enclosed space or area of a character.

How big is 4000 square meters?

4,000 square metres is about the area enclosed by the inside lane of the athletic running track in most athletics stadiums - the grassy area.

Definition of area in geometry?

The area covered by an enclosed figure

What does the area enclosed by a PV diagram and TS diagram show?

The area enclosed by a PV diagram represents the work done by the system. On the other hand, the area enclosed by a TS diagram represents the heat transferred to or from the system.