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whats a quadrilateral with 2 sides not parallel and 2 sides parallel

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Q: Three more line segments connected so that the area is closed in?
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A closed figure form by three or more line segments?

Maybe a pairllagram i forgot but i do know it has something to do in that area

Is a one sided shape a regular polygon?

No. To be a polygon a figure must be "closed", that is, enclose an area. At least three line segments are required to enclose an area.

What is 3 or more line segments connected so that an area is enclosed inside?

A polygon.

What is the mathematical term for quadrilaterals?

Quadrilateral is a mathematical term used for any figure with its area bounded by four straight line segments forming a closed path.

What is the name of region of closed figure?

The name for a region of a closed figure is the Area.

What are non convex polygons?

A non-convex polygon is any polygon with at least one interior angle measuring at least 180 degrees. . A polygon is defined as an area enclosed by 3 or more line segments connected at their endpoints. Basically, the figure needs to be completely closed in, have no extra lines or part of lines coming out of it, and no curves. For a polygon to be convex all of its interior angles need to measure less than 180 degrees. =D

Does a triangle have faces?

No. A triangle is a two-dimensional polygon (flat figure). It has sides that consist of three line segments, with an interior area. Only a three-dimensional form (polyhedron) can have faces. Triangles serve as faces for any number of polyhedrons, such as pyramids.

look at the map of louisiana purchase would the area open to slavery or the area closed to slavery be the larger?

closed to slavery

What does the acronym LAN stand for?

the term LAN stands for "local area network". this type of network is one that is usually connected to another network through a "WAN" or "Wide Area Network". A good example of this is the wireless or wired network in your house is a LAN. A corporate network of any major size has many LAN segments connected to one another via a WAN connection. As well, the internet is generally considered the largest WAN.

A large deep wide part of a sea or ocean which appears to push inland is called?

A "bay" is an area of water connected to the sea on three sides.

What is the relationship between segments and circles?

A segment of a circle is an area enclosed by a chord and an arc.

What is the area of a closed figure?

the area is that 2 dimensional space inside of the closed figure. normally specified as square centimeters or square inches