It is not possible to answer this without knowing the density of the active ingredient per ml. I.e some drugs may be 1000mg per ml, whereas others could be 2mg per ml. There is no standard "amount per ml" for all liquid medicines etc...
i assume you mean mg. if 2=10, 3 have to equal 15mg
QF = V / t QF = volumetric flow rate in mL per hr V = volume in mL t = time in hr t = 1.5 hr V = 250 mL QF = ( 250 mL ) / ( 1.5 hr ) = 167 mL per hr <--------------------
63cL = 630mLThere are 10mL per cLThere is 0.1cL per mL
2.5 g per mL = 2,500 g per Litre.
1kg = 2.205lbs So the dose would be 10mg/2.205 lbs
2.5 ml
The recommended dosage of medication for this prescription is 10 units per milliliter (u/ml).
100μg/ml x 100 concentration = 10mg/ml you don't specify the the starting volume. if it is 1ml then you add 99ml. if it is a litre then you add 99 litres.
To dilute Kenalog 40mg to 10mg, you need to mix 1 part Kenalog 40mg with 3 parts diluent (such as saline solution) to achieve a final concentration of 10mg/ml. For example, mix 1ml of Kenalog 40mg with 3ml of diluent to get a total volume of 4ml solution with a concentration of 10mg/ml.
10mg/5ml. 100mg/1ml so you add 50 ml of bac or wat ever you used would make it 100mg/50ml which is 2mg/1ml so 5ml is 10mg
Something doesn't sound right. If you double check the label and it is indeed 10mg/15mL. You will need 300mL.
depends how much you buy. from me is $123456.99 a pound
10mg in every 5 mL
10mg in every 5 mL
2 ml a week
The recommended dosage of Banamine for any type of swine is 50 mg per ml. This medication is for intramuscular use in swine.