In Roman numerals, it means XLVIII. In decimal notation, it means 48.
3.88 is decimal notation.
The number IS in decimal notation!
300 is already in decimal notation.
537 in decimal notation = 537.0
In Roman numerals, it means XLVIII. In decimal notation, it means 48.
3.88 is decimal notation.
The number IS in decimal notation!
decimal notation of 3.159 = 3.159
42.4 as decimal notation = 42.4
decimal notation of 335 = 335.0
0.05 is already in decimal notation.
300 is already in decimal notation.
537 in decimal notation = 537.0
decimal notation of 960000 = 900000 + 60000
The decimal is: .48
The decimal notation for 0.6 percent is 0.006